The time it takes to complete a tax return is set to increase by up to an hour in the new year

Completing a tax return could take up to an hour longer this year.

A survey of 4,500 taxpayers by consumer group Which? indicates that those who have already filed their self-assessment tax return ahead of the end of January deadline spent nearly three-and-a-half hours completing it. 

Lengthy: Completing a tax return is set to take people an hour longer in the new year

This compares with an average of two hours and 48 minutes last year. 

Experts blame new rules on the amount of tax relief buy-to-let landlords can claim on mortgage interest for dragging out the process.

One in three taxpayers have yet to start. Which? money expert Gareth Shaw says: ‘We would recommend anyone who has yet to file to start as soon as possible.’



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