PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds News – PUBG Corp Cancels its ‘Fix PUBG’ Campaign, Focus is Now on Stability and Quality

PUBG Corp has announced it’s temporarily halted its ‘Fix PUBG’ campaign earlier than anticipated. The Fix PUBG initiative was introduced to address core performance issues and long-standing bugs, but PUBG Corp has now acknowledged that dedicating its entire development resource to Fix PUBG has, bizarrely, caused several new major stability issues to arise.

“I apologize to the players on behalf of the Dev team for the postponement until now, but while we’re a little late from the posted FIX PUBG schedule, we still feel it’s important to share the results of this campaign,” said Taeseok Jang, executive producer on PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.

The Fix PUBG campaign began in August and was designed to tackle four key problem areas for PUBG – client performance, server performance and net code, anti-cheat, and matchmaking and bug fixes.

Jang explains that PUBG Corp has had some degree of success over the past three months. Client performance is now a little smoother, with frame rates improved across the board. The early game server performance has also been improved in the region on 20% compared to in July, allowing for more stable early game play immediately after the drops. However, there is a lingering issue of desyncing that is a result of server tick-rates fluctuating.

Going forward, build stability and quality will be the top priority for PUBG updates. “At first, this is likely to slow down our build cadence, but as these processes become more proficient, we hope to provide new content as fast as before, while maintaining our new stability and quality-first goal,” Taeseok Jang said. “While we cannot say how long this will take, we promise you that we will give our best efforts to reach this stage as quickly as possible.”

Ultimately though, there are still a lot of issues with PUBG that are yet to be fixed, and a number of fans aren’t too happy. Development has been slow and monolithic in a way that hasn’t allowed PUBG to advance and adapt as quickly as it could, or perhaps should.

There’s a real feeling that PUBG Corp has massively dropped the ball in regards to the game’s long-term success. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds was nothing less than a phenomenon last year but it’s increasingly withering on the vine. Peak Steam player counts are dropping and there’s little doubt it’s been well and truly usurped by Fortnite these days. The two games are incredibly different but they’re often uttered in the same breath, and while Fortnite enjoys weekly content updates, wholesale map changes, and major events, PUBG is fairly static and, well, unfinished, in comparison. There’s also the small matter of COD: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode, which has earned plenty of plaudits during its first month. Despite that, PUBG is still the number one most played game on Steam, so there’s plenty of reasons to rescue it if PUBG Corp can avert the slide.

How are you finding PUBG these days, were you pleased with the results of the Fix PUBG campaign? Is it in danger of slipping out of favour? Let us know your thoughts!

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