Fortnite News – Fortnite Has 8.3 Million Concurrent Players, Over 6x DOTA 2’s Highest Peak Player Count

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To the casual observer, it can feel as if the Fortnite phenomenon has already picked. Well, think again. Epic Games Korea CEO Sung Chul Park has just confirmed Fortnite is peaking with 8.3 million concurrent players. That’s 8.3m people playing Fortnite around the world at the exact same time.

I mean, that is really quite something. PUBG’s highest ever peak was 3.2 million in January of this year, once the 1.0 release had arrived. This figure doesn’t take into account Xbox One players though Meanwhile, the most successful free-to-play game ever on Steam is Valve’s own DOTA 2, a game which had an all-time-high peak of 1.3 million players back in March 2016. Both of these games now currently peak at 0.7-1m over a 24-hour period.

Based upon this data, Fortnite is now 6.4x as popular as DOTA 2 has ever been. That puts Fortnite right up there in the absolute top tier of popularity, alongside the mighty League of Legends.

The big question now is whether Fortnite has the staying power the League of Legends does. The recent roll-out to Korea suggests Epic is only just getting started with this particular cash cow though, and if history has taught us anything it’s to never underestimate the success, appeal, and popularity of Fortnite.

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