Dieselpunk sandbox RPG INSOMNIA: The Ark gets new trailer and closed beta for backers | PC Invasion

Dieselpunk sandbox RPG INSOMNIA: The Ark gets new trailer and closed beta for backers | PC Invasion

INSOMNIA: The Ark from developer Studio Mono attempted a Kickstarter back in 2013 which was subsequently canceled. In July 2014 they returned to Kickstarter and this time saw it through successfully.

Today Studio Mono has released a new trailer for the game which they describe as a single-player/co-op RPG set in a living dieselpunk sandbox with real-time tactical gameplay. To accompany the trailer they have also announced a closed beta for Kickstarter backers who helped them raise the $100,000 USD back in 2014. A more expansive beta will follow.

Anatoly Nekrasov, CEO and Lead Developer of Studio Mono, said: “It’s our first project, our beloved child. We’ve been developing INSOMNIA for nine years, and finally, we’re almost there! We’re delighted to present the game to our biggest fans from Kickstarter. The game has been altered several times, we’ve changed concepts, plot and mechanics, but we’ve attempted to save the unique visual style and deep dystopian atmosphere.”

INSOMNIA: The Ark takes place on a space metropolis brimming with the secrets of a long-gone civilization. The world is populated by the descents of a once powerful race called Nomah, who abandoned their home planet following a catastrophic war. Awakening in the adaptation chamber during your recovery from the Great Sleep you discover a large-scale terrorist attack but that’s not all there is to worry about.

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